Dear Body of Christ, this morning I was just writing an email to my extended family members, and the above title was part of my lines, which soon became a great topic to share with the Body of Christ. It's really amazing how GOD uses his people, sometimes I get topics for my BLOG when I am in the sanctuary listening to the WORD OF GOD preached by Pastor Vincent at ELM. Upcoming topics...GLORY.....MANSION in the KINGDOM OF GOD..........!
We all go through different situations, worst scenario's in our lives. We wrestle with FLESH & SPIRIT. We try to pull ourselves together and get back on TRACK......
Prior to doing that my Beloved Body of Christ, STOP for re-fueling ASK GOD to fill your BODY which is the temple of the Living God with HIS that the SPIRIT will give You & ME the POWER (Isaiah 61:1) - I am not quoting it, I want you to go to your BIBLES and READ IT LOUD.

Story :

This is a story about a little girl who, on the way home from church, turned to her mother and said, “Mommy, the Preacher’s sermon this morning confused me.”
The mother said, “Oh! Why is that?
The girl replied, “Well, he said that God is bigger than we are. Is that true?”
“Yes, that’s true,” the mother replied.
“He also said that God lives within us. Is that true too?”
Again the mother replied, “Yes.”
“Well,” said the girl. “If God is bigger than us and He lives in us, wouldn’t He show through?”
Read this again………Think…..

That is what the beatitudes are about – God showing through. It has always been God’s purpose that when He entered our lives, He would be allowed to so fill and control them that He would "show through" – that He would be visible in our attitudes and actions. Not that we would imitate Christ, or try to do the things that Jesus would do, but that Christ Himself would be allowed to live through us. The beatitudes are like a light bulb…that only shines when plugged into God’s power!

The beatitudes are supposed to ‘be’ your ‘attitude’. No…you can’t pretend. Humans aren’t able to keep the beatitudes, no matter how hard they try. Nobody can be like Jesus like Jesus can. By the Holy Spirit, He has come to live IN us that He might live THROUGH us to meet the needs of hurting humanity. And when He does, others see the image of Christ shining through this veil of flesh.

May you all HAVE A BLESSED DAY IN THE LORD ! Let the Light of the Lord SHINE.......
Let his GLORY rest upon every HEAD....... 
