(During one of the services at ELM-Kuwait, I heard Pastor Vincent talking about Mansion's in Heaven....my curiosity lead me to find out more about this subject matter. Praise God....we do not need a VISA to ENTER into THE KINGDOM OF GOD.....where a MANSION is prepared for U & ME....Halleluiah....to THE CREATOR of HEAVEN & EARTH & TO the MOST POWERFUL & OMNIPOTENT GOD......Praise,Honor & Glory to GOD ....!)
(During one of the services at ELM-Kuwait, I heard Pastor Vincent talking about Mansion's in Heaven....my curiosity lead me to find out more about this subject matter. Praise God....we do not need a VISA to ENTER into THE KINGDOM OF GOD.....where a MANSION is prepared for U & ME....Halleluiah....to THE CREATOR of HEAVEN & EARTH & TO the MOST POWERFUL & OMNIPOTENT GOD......Praise,Honor & Glory to GOD ....!)
JESUS SAID, "IN MY FATHER'S HOUSE ARE MANY MANSIONS." (Jn.14:2) - Some people are only going to get a cottage and other people are going to get a lot more, and there is a lot of room in that BIG CITY!
When we think of a mansion, what do we think of? -- A big huge house, right? Well, what is each one of us going to need with a big huge house all to ourselves?--I'd be kind of lonesome myself! I'd rather have you all living UP There with me! So, even if there are big houses, none of us really take up very much room, do we? Even now when we live in big houses, we all have separate rooms and apartments and so on.
Bible interpreters and translators agree, the word translated as "mansions" in our New Testament means.--NOT large quarters, but something more like many different quarters.
After all, how much room do you really need?--When you don't have to cook anymore, wash dishes anymore, eat anymore--you can eat if you want to, but you won't have to--etc.! We'll have our supernatural, miraculous, new bodies which are both spiritual, or can be material--can materialise or dematerialise, can travel with the speed of thought and have powers that even the angels have yet to learn!--No traffic problems, we'll just fly through each other!--Through walls, doors, people, anything!--With a body like that, who even needs an apartment!
THAT'LL BE OUR LAST MOVE, PRAISE GOD! That's one move when we won't have to worry about baggage or luggage or what clothes to wear or take with us.--We won't have to do any packing, we won't have to do any loading, we won't have to do any shipping or buying tickets or boarding trains or planes, and we won't even need a passport or a visa--we've already got it, thank the Lord!
You've ALREADY got your passport, visa and ticket Home, thanks to Jesus, and there's nothing you have here that you'll need UP There, except what has already been sent in the way of souls and those who will follow. praise the Lord? Isn't that wonderful? Won't that be a relief? All you'll have to do is just SHUT YOUR EYES and you're on your way! (SING...... I'M COMING HOME....coming home...!)
DEATH for a CHRISTIAN is NOT death! Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me shall never die!" (Jn.11:25,26) You won't even know what death is like, you'll just be passing on, like going through a door or through a tunnel.--Many who've come back say it's kind of like going through a tunnel with Light at the other end, even brighter than the sun, yet it didn't hurt their eyes! And what a reception committee!--Either the Lord Himself or one of His angels, and your best friends and loved ones who have gone on before! You're going to get to see all of them! They'll welcome you There and guide you and introduce you and show you the ropes and show you around and help you to get settled!
He's gone to prepare a place for you, that where HE is, there YOU may be also! (Jn.14:2,3) But if you expect to have some lofty, fancy, huge villa on Main Street or something, you might be disappointed!--But I doubt it. I think when you see what He has for you there, you'll agree that ....(read the script on the image)
Things you didn't even imagine could be so beautiful and so wonderful, and I'm sure you'll be quite satisfied with your quarters--even if it's only one room or a small apartment!
Things you didn't even imagine could be so beautiful and so wonderful, and I'm sure you'll be quite satisfied with your quarters--even if it's only one room or a small apartment!
IT'S NOT A CLASSLESS SOCIETY! In fact, it's a very class-conscious society in Heaven!
There's the same SALVATION for us ALL, in the same City, but apparently there's going to be differences in the section of town you live in. After all, this life and nearly everything in it is a type or foreshadowing of the spiritual or the hereafter.--And if cities here have nice sections and not-so-good sections, believe it or not, Heaven will too. But don't misunderstand me, even the worst neighbourhood of Heaven will be better than the best neighbourhood of the fanciest town on Earth!
So one of these days you're going to own a "MANSION" that isn't going to cost you anything!--No upkeep, no expense, absolutely nothing except what it's already cost Jesus and it will be commensurate with your works on Earth--what you already paid for it down here. (YOU R BOUGHT AT A PRICE....!)
If YOU have not taken a vacation on PLANET EARTH...start preparing and tell your BOSS...... "I'M GOING TO TAKE MY VACATION IN HEAVEN," because you never got one here.
You're going to have LOTS of work to do in the afterlife, but it's going to be a lot easier, thank the Lord! There'll be no sorrow, no sickness, no pain, no weariness, no death, no more tears, no more crying! (Re.21:4) That's certainly going to make things easier, huh? Praise the Lord! Amen.....
Wouldn't it be ridiculous if, after being so busy here, you wound up in Heaven with nothing to do but sit on a cloud playing a harp for a thousand years?--Much less all Eternity! I think you'd really get bored!
After all, THIS is just your SCHOOLING for what you'll have to do when you're a grad and you start getting your postgraduate course, to prepare you for perhaps even greater work in the Hereafter! We know we're going to have work to do during the Millennium helping the Lord to run the World, but what kind of work is that going to prepare us for, I wonder?--Maybe after we've had a little experience running this Earth, the Lord's going to invite us to help Him run the whole Universe!
Halleluiah.........AMEN.....If you have managed to read through, I guess YOU WILL MAKE IT THRU......meditate and ASK YOURSELF do you want to invest here on EARTH....or would YOU prefer YOUR MANSION ....which is READY IN HEAVEN....!
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