Wednesday, June 6, 2012


(Yesterday's Church Minister Training Service @ ELM- Kuwait has inspired me...especially when I heard Sr. Joyce talking about OUR GOD who is a GOOD GOD... for the second consecutive day. The same God revealed to me this morning in my kitchen how merciful and graceful he compassionate HE IS.... I have been stirred to write a few words on this title/topic........)

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
John 10:10

The Bible tells us clearly that God is a God of love, and our God of love is a good God! He is a God who longs to do good to His people. In fact, God desires to load His children with benefits every day (Psalm 68:19)!
My DEAR Reader, don’t ever be mistaken that a Good God will give you sicknesses, diseases and all sorts of physical afflictions. God is constant and constantly good. Sicknesses, on the other hand, are always bad. They are part of the curse. Their purpose is to destroy a person.
Our Good God gave us His Son, JESUS, so that you may not be destroyed but have life, and have it more abundantly! The Lord does not take away your life. Instead, He gives, multiplies and restores to you life and health. The more you meditate on and believe His love and goodness toward you, the more you’ll walk in an increasing measure of His health, wholeness and abundant life!

My GOD & Your GOD is a GOOD GOD

OH I tell you how good he really is
He DIED on the Cross of CALVARY for YOU & ME
so that ALL of us could LIVE OUR LIFE'S IN ABUNDANCE...

OUR GOD desires and deserves only....
 that we live our lives the right way
and when things aren't going right for us
all we have to do is "PRAY"

My GOD & Your GOD is a GOOD GOD
you wanna know how I know
I know 
My GOD & Your GOD is a GOOD GOD
because (his WORD) the BIBLE tells me so

He's always there when we need him
even if we take a fall (admit we are sinners)
HE"S always by OUR side when YOU & I need him
all WE have to do is give him an EMERGENCY CALL

My GOD & Your GOD is a GOOD GOD
everything I am saying is true
My GOD & Your GOD is a GOOD GOD
everything he does for Me, He'll do the same for YOU......

TRUST -  Psalms:37:5: Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.


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