Sunday, June 3, 2012

"God is Asking You Out on a Date"

"God is Asking You Out on a Date"

Scripture: "I am my beloved's, and His desire is for me." [KJV]Song of Solomon 7:10

My Secret

I want to tell you a secret. One that has totally revolutionized my life with God. Can I PLEASE have you focused  with me, can I have your precious time and see if it could do the same for you?

Wanting More from God

It's been several months now, I have always been in this weird situation in my relationship with God, and I asked Him what to do. I wanted more out of our relationship, but I didn't know what to do about it. I was crazy, thirsty wanting to know more and I thought something is drastically wrong with me. Recently since the 26th of May 2012, I was dry and had ZERO inclination to read the WORD, although sometimes I did really sit and post messages on my blog. On 1st June, I arrived for FELLOWSHIP at ELM CHURCH - KUWAIT. Made a DEAL with God prior to the service. Told him I am completely dry and low on fuel, I need a REFILL of the SPIRIT and a container FULL OF GRACE. And he acted pretty quickly, at the very same moment.
HE anointed me more than TRIPLE FOLD, but I must admit that this was not an ordinary anointing but full of HEALING. He gave me GRACE, that out of sheer obedience and curiosity - I was awake the entire night. AMAZING GRACE..... I was just wanting more and more.....I said LORD ....HERE I AM ...........I NEED YOU MORE....MORE THAN YESTERDAY.....
The night was young....I could not sleep eyes wide open, I am awake listening to video messages from Pastor's & Evangelists. Spend a couple of hours in worship songs, next couple of hours MY BELOVED took me on a VISIONARY RIDE. Awesome feeling ....realised that a VISION and a DREAM needs to be distinguished. Oh I tell you a VISION is the presence of  GOD. THAT'S WHAT I CALL YOUR DATE WITH GOD.

Going on Dates

And what do you know, this was not the first time that I was awake all night, but it happened earlier on several occasions and  as I started to stay up all night, I started to talk: to God—about my feelings, my fears, what happened yesterday, how I feel about my life...everything and anything that was on my heart. And do you want to know what's more? As I began to talk—I felt his presence getting THICKER—I began to hear  God talk back...or sometimes just feel Him listen and care. It was like I began to "date" God. And God, smart as He is, knew this would happen. He knew that it was quality time that we needed to grow in our relationship together. HE always choose the NIGHT.

God's Message to You

And this is EXACTLY what God wants to do...with you. He is just crazy about you. He wants to spend every waking moment, every sleeping  moment with you: listening to your fears, talking about your dreams, laughing at funny things, and counseling you on the tough issues. Don't believe me? Listen to Him here....... He's talking about you: MY FRIENDS - OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND LET HIM IN......
"“But then I will win her back once again. I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there. I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope. She will give herself to Me there, as she did long ago when she was young, when I freed her from her captivity in Egypt. When that day comes,' says the Lord, “you will call Me ‘my husband’ instead of ‘my master'" (Hosea 2:14-16).

Your tenure in the sanctuary is not considered (No Matter How Old or New You Are)

No matter where you are at in your relationship with God (maybe you've just begun, or maybe you've been with Him a while now), He wants to pursue you all over again. He wants you to give yourself to Him again. When I started talking  with God, on our daily dates, I started to hear Him and feel His love in a revolutionary way. I started to hear Him soothe my fears, give me advice, and care for me with deep loyalty. And the same will happen for you if you start spending time with Him. I feel HIS presence when my EARS WARM UP...the INTENSITY gets HIGHER as HIS presence gets thicker. HE is showing me the LIGHT at the end of the TUNNEL, HE is preparing a PATH for me. HE has already given us THE GREAT COMMISSION. Are we ready to EMBARK ON THIS JOURNEY..........I AM......ARE YOU?

The DEAL (Proposal)

Here's what Jesus says to you: "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends." Revelation 3:20 Do you want to have those dates with God? Do you want to let Him into your HEART & HOME...maybe for the first time, or maybe "all over again?"

Start Here

Why don't you simply start with picking a time of the day to schedule a daily date with God? It could be morning, noon, or night. A DAY consists of 24 hours. You just tell Him, "God, I would like to go on that date You're offering me. I'm a little surprised You'd want to spend so much time with me, but I'm honored. Let's build this relationship." Is that what you want to do?  I personally promise you that you will not regret it. God is crazy about you, HE wants you to be much more crazily, madly in love with HIM. Spending time together every day will revolutionize your life.


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