Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Dear ELM Youth, I would like to take the opportunity to THANK RONALD and his TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) for believing in us PARENT's to impart and advise the YOUTH of today's generation. May you all be BLESSED ABUNDANTLY. I have posted below my message incase you guys & gals need to refer back. 


Ecclesiastes 12:1 expresses this viewpoint when it says, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’.” Youth, it is very important for you to know the Lord now before you encounter the difficulties of life. Some of you have already endured some hard things; but the truth is that life only gets harder, not easier; but if you take the Lord with you, then you can endure what lies ahead. If you don’t then you will likely say, “I have no pleasure in life.”

“A man came rushing up to a ferry [boat], breathless after running at an [extremely fast] pace, but he got there just as the gateman shut the door in his face. A bystander remarked, ‘You didn’t run fast enough.’ The disappointed man answered, ‘I ran fast enough, but I didn’t start on time.’ [The point is this]:
To try to accomplish the most for God in a lifetime, you must start early – ‘in the days of your youth’.” 

I want to extend an invitation to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, if anyone here today does not know Him. I wish to share with you again Ecclesiastes 12:1 which says, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’.” Don’t wait too long to accept the Lord. If you don’t have Jesus Christ in your heart and life, then who are you going to turn to when you are lonely and hurting?

A story is told of a man who just moved to a city and was looking for a church to attend. He walked up to a person on the street and stated I’m new in town how the people in that church are. The person responded by asking him how where the people in the church he was from. The man stated they were mean spirited, cold, and deceitful. The persons said you will find the same kind of people in that church. The man walked away. 

Later, another person walked up to the same person and asked him a similar question, he also being new to town and was looking for a church to attend. The person asked how where the people in the church you were from. The man responded that they were kind, inviting, and helpful. In the very same church that he had described to the other man he stated that you will find that same people there in that church: kind, inviting and helpful.

How is it that the people in the same church were described so differently? It was because people react to the attitudes one has. If you are cold, then people will respond with a chill in their air. If you are mean spirited, then people will react in a mean spirited way.  What you give is what you get.

How one does controls or changes one’s attitude?
We are not born with either a positive or negative attitude. Most kids have an upbeat outlook on life or can be easily persuaded in a positive way. When we go through the course of life not everything goes our way and some people feel entitled to an “attitude.” I believe it is an accumulation of negative emotions which bring us down and hold us down if we let it.

I am using an acronym for the word ATTITUDE
Awareness is the ability to perceive a situation, to feel or be conscious of an event, a circumstance or a pattern. It is the beginning of changing one’s attitude. Once we are aware of a difficulty we can take the necessary steps for changes. If we don’t know how to do it we can always ask or get help.
Thinking is a mental process. It is one part of our mind faculties: intellect, emotion and will. Sometimes it can help to just stop and think through a situation before we make a choice and consider the
consequences of our actions.
Therapy can help if a diagnosis has been made and a treatment is necessary. Again, it is a matter of choice and dependent on the severity, a plan can be developed. Regarding attitude, it is sometimes possible to create some helpful conditions such as three-week retraining of behavior.
There are many identities, but for simplicity I am referring here to our human identity. Our identity come from our creator who purposed us to be good, gave us choices and responsibilities. He gave us unlimited potential and a desire to grow and learn. Our conscience still directs us that way. By focusing our condition of being created in the image of God, we can inherit all of His characteristics and Divine nature.
Trust is a relationship of reliance, a spiritual value which is essential in relationships. We put IN GOD WE TRUST on our money because we want God to be part of our financial life. Trust in a relationship is both emotional and logical. Emotionally, we make ourselves vulnerable by being open and honest. Logically, we speculate a certain behavior from others. In trusting others we have experienced their trustworthiness and have faith in human nature. Trust is a feeling which includes friendship, love, agreement, and comfort. 
Understanding is a psychological process of relating to an abstract or physical object such as a person, a situation or a message. More than using concepts, real life experience brings true understanding. Wisdom growths with years of repetitious activities, and building habits of discipline. Therefore, understanding is crucial to having a good attitude.
Some people believe that attitude is a talent and we were born with it. Most of us have discovered that when we are down and out on our “luck” it is not any talent or aptitude which helps us out but a very down right decision which can change things around. Taking a different look at a situation or relationship can bring a whole new perspective. It is never wrong to enlist the help of our heavenly father or a trusted friend.
Emotions are physical sensations in our body, felt as tingles, hot spots or muscular tensions. Human beings are spiritual before we are flesh and blood. Emotions are energy in motion. They are transferred by our mind to express certain feelings and attitudes. The nervous system transmits messages to the muscles which move our arms and legs and make us act a certain way.
If these emotions are directed in a positive and constructive way, guided by principles and values, we experience joy, happiness, and peace. On the other hand, if we repress the flow of emotions either by being told we are worthless, stupid or talentless, these sensations turn to resentment, fear, anger, guilt, etc.
As long as we carry any of the negative emotion with us, we go up and down, being moody and can never experience a life of true fulfillment.
Therefore, without developing our ability to manage our attitude we cannot grow to love and engage in human relationships.


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