Monday, October 29, 2012



My friend recently poised this question to me knowing that I have my heart issue to be fixed. She said how good is your heart? Well knowing myself, I inwardly smiled as my mind was constructing the right response. I spontaneously said, Well you know what my heart is Still Beating to the rhythm of God. I want to Thank Him because I am still alive. That is the Biggest Miracle. Sometimes when it really hurts and makes me breathless I want to pluck it out of my system, place it on a platter, see what’s wrong and fix it. But to cut the long story short I actually ended saying to her – Probably it needs hovering, dust has settled, all in all I am getting OLDER. 
Masking the ORIGINAL symptom usually causes others to believe that the person has made a change, but soon enough, that symptom re-surfaces or a new symptom appears, which, is only a result of the same problem as the original symptom.
Let’s look at it spiritually:
One of the things that identify very quickly a person’s poor spiritual condition is something that is rarely seen with our own eyes.  A person may for years be able to hide what is really going on in their life.  You may only get a glimpse of the condition only rarely when they momentarily lose the ability to hide their real problem. 

Too often, people go through their Christian walk fooling themselves into believing that nothing is wrong with their Heart.  They become well trained at controlling their actions well, but their heart on the other hand is something that struggles constantly. So often in the church, we wrestle with people’s bad spirits, ill tempers, and pride.  We assume that these symptoms are themselves the problem that the person is having.  We say, “You need to get ahold of that temper of yours.”   What we fail to realize, is the temper is only a symptom of a much bigger and more dangerous problem.

Learn to Listen to your Heart:
What kinds of messages do you give yourself?
Is there something about your life you’d like to change?
If you felt good, what would you attract?

 Our inner self-talk is very powerful.  The thoughts we entertain and the emotions that result create our experience of life.  If we give ourselves messages based in fear or worry, we feel anxious.  If we use messages based in love and trust, we feel at ease.  We feel good.  When we feel good, we show up for life from a different vantage point, creating the life we desire. Isn’t this Awesome. We kind of have our own mechanism.

Love God with all your heart:
Jesus said to him, “‘you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” 
(Matthew 22:37 – 40)
Loving God with your whole heart is the key to everything in life; because your relationship with God affects everything and everyone in your life. It is impossible to love God too much; however it is easy to fall short of loving Him with your whole heart. In a moment of honesty with myself and the Lord I asked “Lord, how can I love you more”?
Instantly the Lord responded “BE THANKFUL”. In one moment, with those two words, came several scriptures to my mind and concepts that I had not thought of before. I also understood for the first time that anything, whether past or present, that we are unthankful about is a part of our heart that does not love God. In that same moment I also understood why this is true. Deep down inside our spirit we know that God is in control of the universe. If we have had painful experiences which we are not thankful for then we are unhappy and unthankful to God for them, consciously or unconsciously.

You may not even know that you are blaming God; you may think that you are blaming Satan or you may be blaming other people. However, in reality you are blaming God also because you know that He is in control. God allowed the experience to happen to you. God could have prevented it and you know it. Each painful experience which you are unthankful for is a dark spot in your heart that does not love God. 

 We are commanded to love God with our whole heart. That is because it is possible to love God with only a part of your heart. Only when you are thankful to God with your whole heart do you really love Him with your whole heart. That means you must be thankful for everything in your life, past and present. Thankfulness is a gauge that measures your heart condition; it reveals anything which is blocking your love for God. Thankfulness to God is an indication of a heart that has right standing before God. Out of a thankful heart flow expressions of love to God, including praise, worship, and obedience. This is a good question to ask yourself, “is there anything that I am not thankful to God for”?

Now Ask Yourself this Question  - How Good Is My Heart?

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