Saturday, July 28, 2012


The Journey on this "Narrow Path" to God's Kingdom
(The drawing is replicated from a web picture by my daughter Cindus upon request. Thank God for giving her talented fingers, that within less than an hour she delivered the finished image to upload along with my message. Praise God for all the his love, mercy & compassion.)

The Bible Scriptures in the Book of 1 Corinthians 1  is rather consoling.  As we live on a day to day basis, this place where we call home is really not our permanent home.  All shall come to an end in due time.  But those who walk by faith and not by sight will truly see the blessings that God can enable in our life, through Lord Jesus Christ. 

Each single day passes, I no longer carp much about anything in life.  I see no point of it, purely because I know that no matter how oppressive the weight is on me, I realized that everything will be well taken care of by God.  I mean, by no doubts, there are days that is more challenging than others but that doesn’t mean that I will allow that particular day to strip me from my joy and love for precious people around me.  I may be a bit off but I will kick-back soon enough.

One thing about being a Christian is that it is not about how many times we've descended, but it is in relation to how many times we have triumph and to maintain a loving spirit in the good battle.  If anything, we need to THANK GOD FOR ALL THE FAILURES IN OUR LIFE.  It is because of it that perhaps, WE COULD OR HAD FOUND FAITH FROM THE DARKEST PIT.

GOD IS ALMIGHTY, GOD IS GOOD.  Hence, He can do anything if He wills it.  However, God knows that the human creations are flawed sinced the Adam and Eve era.  Thus, God chooses to look at our strength instead of our weaknesses.  Sometimes, we can be hard on ourselves as well as holding judgment on others.  Mind you, God knows that if we are imperfect creations, then He will observe to see if each of us has the courage, the strength, the wisdom, and the accurate knowledge to stand up from our precedent failure.  Furthermore, God also desire to see if we have the resolve to improve for the better.  That my friend is what it means to be a Christian.  Being a Christian is not about proving ourselves to be superior than others. We do not need to be in the LIMELIGHT. GOD did not call the MEDIA, he HAS CHOSEN YOU & ME to preach the good news to EVERY CREATURE.
It is merely concerning on how well we are able to pick ourselves up; despite of the amount of times we may stumble and fall.  So for this reason, it is perceptive to focus on the goodness of life, just like how God chooses to center on the goodness of us. It is today we are who and where we are because of HIS GRACE, MERCY & LOVE…….

A Prayer For Wisdom To Make Right Decisions 
Precious Father, Precious Lord Jesus, Wonderful Holy Spirit,
O Precious All In All,

May only your will and your design for my life be fully worked out.
Bring your wisdom, O Lord, when I am hammered with frustrations, temptations, and stresses trying to corrode my soul and throw me into the pits of failure.
Bring your wisdom and let me succeed only in doing your will rather than my own will.
Bring your wisdom and let me succeed in being humble and contrite.
Bring your wisdom and let me make only reasonable decisions.
Bring your wisdom and let me make successful decisions based upon your love and your work in the world.
Bring your wisdom and show me how I can be more effective.
Bring your wisdom and show me how I can give all I have to you.
Help me rely upon you to secure my family and loved ones both in this world and in the world to come.
Let me be able to assess the true darkness of this world and bring your light.
Let me see facts and truth not opinion.
Let me see how things work, so your good can then be duplicated and evil can be avoided.
Let me strike blows against the darkness while letting your Light shine in all I say, think, and do.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
I love you, O Lord.
I adore you, Precious One.
All these things I humbly pray.

In the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit who lives within me and touches me, Amen
Have you ever been so hard on yourself and others? And if so, what could you do differently? Think About it....put it to play once you analyse the situation...........

Thursday, July 26, 2012


(My dryness just disappeared....dryness can only be stopped by the DEW OF HIS GLORY, oh yes it was his GLORY that fell in the sanctuary today, his light was shining upon me, his GLORY is magnificent and cannot be defined, when his GLORY FALLS it is GOD who comes down with his POWER and DWELLS in us in the form of the HOLY SPIRIT)

I BLOG often, yet recently there were times I felt so very dry - so far away from the warm presence of God. To be precise since Friday 20/07/12. In such moments of dryness, I had no great yearning to read the Word - the reading of the Bible was done mostly through a sense of obligation. When I'm dry and empty, I feel little compulsion to pray. I know my faith is intact, and my love for Jesus is strong. There is no desire in me to taste the things of this world. It's just that I can't seem to touch God in those days and weeks of spiritual dryness.

But God works in different ways, he is there for you and with you when Satan is busy preparing a hedge of evil around you. I was reminded during the Monday Bible study about the scripture that I used to daily claim every morning - Isaiah 61:1, again on Tuesday during the Church minister training, Pastor Vincent Rajendra taught us that before we open our BIBLES ask the Lord to give you a scripture, it is not necessary to read 5 to 10 chapters. Read little but meditate on that word. I did exactly that today-Wednesday 25/07/12. I asked the Lord to give me the word, when I opened the Bible he give me the word and I meditated, the awesome power of God engulfed me and I was revived. My dryness just disappeared....dryness can only be stopped by the DEW OF HIS GLORY, oh yes it was his GLORY that fell in the sanctuary today, his light was shining upon me, his GLORY is magnificent and cannot be defined, when his GLORY FALLS it is GOD who comes down with his POWER and DWELLS in us in the form of the HOLY SPIRIT.......but if you have or are going through a similar situation please read on......

Have you ever sat in church and watched those all around you getting blessed, while you feel nothing? They cry; they pray; they worship with tremendous feelings. But you are not moved upon - at all. You begin to wonder if there is something wrong with your spiritual life. Christians all around you are telling these great stories about how God is blessing them and answering all their prayers. They seem to live on a mountaintop of happy experiences, while you just plod along, loving Jesus, but not setting the world on fire. Some of your prayers have still not been answered. You don't shout or put on an emotional display. You have no big stories to tell about some fantastic miracle you've witnessed. It almost makes you feel like a second-class believer.
I believe that all true believers experience dry spells at various times in their Christian life. Even Jesus felt the isolation - when He cried aloud. "Father, why have you forsaken me?"

MY OWN NOTES: (These could be your own situations and circumstances or rather similar reasons)

  • I wonder why God seems so distant at times. Is He angry with me? Does He have to hide from me because of failure in my life? Is God holding back on me in some way, bound by a contract in His Holy Word that demands He closes His eyes in my direction because of my stubbornness?
  • Does sin cause a separation? Is God really there, wanting to break through to me with overwhelming joy and peace - but unable to because of a barrier I have constructed as a result of a besetting sin? Must He hide - against His own will - because he honors His Word above His name? He hid from Israel in times of backsliding. Must He hide from me for awhile, until I see the horror of my sins and run from them?
  • Or is all of this dryness a result of my own blindness? Is it just a result of living on feelings? Is He there all the time, in spite of my failure, waiting for me to accept His forgiveness? Do I feel isolated only because I'm ashamed and burdened with guilt? Do I shun Him because I know I'm unworthy of his blessings? Has the knowledge of my weaknesses made me believe I have no right to expect this nearness and comfort?
  • Without the nearness of God, there can be no peace. The dryness can be stopped only with the dew of His glory. The despair can be dispelled only by the assurance God is answering. The fire of the Holy Ghost must heat the mind, body and soul.
  • I want God's total presence. I want to flow in His river of love. I want complete forgiveness of all my sins. But more than forgiveness - I want freedom. What is forgiveness without freedom? I know the Lord has promised to forgive me seven times seven in a single day. I know His love and forgiveness is to all generations. I know that if I confess my sins, He is faithful and just to forgive - and to cleanse me. But it is not enough to be forgiven and cleansed from yesterday's sins. I need freedom from the power of the sin that so easily besets me. Freedom from the slavery of all passions. Freedom from the chains of all iniquity.
  • I know God's Word promises freedom. I know the many Scriptures that talk of "walking in the Spirit," so as not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. I know about the warnings to flee all lusts of the flesh. Other Scriptures flood my mind about "overcoming" the world. But there are times I don't seem to find the key. How do these verses work in a practical way in my everyday life? What does it really mean to "walk in the spirit"? Does that mean you will never fall again? A child keeps falling while learning to walk. Even adults stumble and fall. Can you fall - even while walking in the Spirit - get up and walk again - getting stronger as you go?
  • But God, You've got to be there! If you are not there in my time of dryness, there is no hope. You must be there, calling for me - longing for my voice - yearning over me as a father pities his child. If not - life has no meaning.
  • But, in spite of all that, somehow I know He is not far off. Somehow, I hear a distinct small voice calling, "Come, my child - I am aware of all you are experiencing. I still love you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. We will face it all together. I am still your Father - and you are My child. Come, not on your merits or goodness, but come on the merits of your Savior - Jesus the Lord!"
  • Somehow I know He will bring me out of this dry spell. I have in me a flame that will not be smothered. I seem to know the promises will be fulfilled. In His time, in His way, He will turn my dryness into a river of love. His word will come to me. A new revelation of His will. A renewed spirit and a greater peace of mind. All because He has never failed me once before.
  • Oh God! I have feet of clay. My mind is strong in faith. My heart melts for You. My tears are hot with desire for the touch of the Lord. But my feet keep taking me astray. I am not walking in the Spirit as I would honestly like to. Where is that day-by-day victory? Where is the power to keep myself holy and pure?
  • God, I search the Scripture, hoping to find a formula - a way out of the bondage of sin. If it means staying on my knees all night, then I'll do it. Does it mean reading my Bible through - until I stumble on a clear message of deliverance? Then I'll read and read! 
  • Somewhere there has to be victory over all the power of the enemy. Somewhere I can put aside the weight, the burden, the harassment. God promises total freedom, total victory over the power of the enemy. Someday my foot will no longer be snared in Satan's trap. Someday I'll look into my heart and see only Jesus - only holiness - only those things pleasing to God.
  • My desires can often be very morally bad. There is an entire breed of desires lurking beneath the surface, pushed upon us all constantly by our Adam nature - always breaking into the mind, mingling with our deepest and holiest thoughts, trying to make the mind accept them as God's thoughts.
  • Very often, my personal desires are so dominate, so deeply imbedded, they invade my mind in the secret closet. They become so powerful and persistent, I allow them to deceive me into accepting them as the still small voice of God in the inner man. May God keep me from the deception of my own immoral desires.

Dear Heavenly Father I put my request to your THRONE OF GRACE asking you to provide me with answers to What Shall I Do To Overcome Spiritual Dryness? You are a prayer answering GOD. You will hear my cry and I will walk out victoriously in all my situations.............send me that DEW of YOUR GLORY to turn my dryness.....I make this prayer in the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS.........AMEN

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


What a WARM HUG can do? 
Bridging the known and unknown worlds
(I have been inspired for two reasons to blog about a warm hug and one of them is when last night my daughter came to bed crying & saying that her sister refused to hug her, she was extremely sad, I was extremely touched to see tears rolling down her innocent cheeks, but I gave her a double hug. Amazing how small little gestures like this can make a whole lot of a difference. Second reason is teaching my child how these things are not subject to genetic relationship.)

It cannot happen in the outside world, because for centuries we've been conditioned against the body. And hugging is a very sensuous, physical experience of tremendous importance. But what to say about hugging, even touching has been tabooed!
Proverbs - chapter 11 verse 24 we read –
“One person gives freely, yet gains even more.”  Do you give freely?  Do you give often? Do you believe that by giving freely you will ultimately gain even more?  I do believe this Proverb is so true.  I heard a very inspirational speaker recently talk about how she was diagnosed with a chronic disease and how she became completely depressed.  But, she somehow found the courage to begin giving to others and she found that her life was completely transformed by simply giving.  She was no longer depressed about living with the chronic disease, but found herself happier than ever before. Simply because she chose to give freely.  How might God be calling you in your life to do his will, you may never know how YOU can IMPACT an INDIVIDUAL or a MULTITUDE.
What does a HUG mean to me…..?
Oh it just makes my heart dance and sing and it makes me oh! soooooooo happy.
A HUG that is given to me makes me realise that I am liked and loved.
A HUG makes me feel oh Ah sooo warm inside keeping the chill outside where it belongs.
A HUG makes my worries seem less with other peoples thoughtfulness.
A HUG can mean so many different things depending who the HUG comes from.
It is such a dark and cold world when a HUG is deprived from ME it makes my heart ache so sorely.
It makes my world so cold and dark and everything seems so black and stark.
So HUG everyone you like and love bringing them the sunlight back in their lives and keep the coldness away outside where it should Always Stay!!!


Father God, I pray that every Husband & Wife hug each other, every child show affection & love to their parents and hug them whatever the circumstance is, I pray that every brother & every sister hug and create the warmth of that relationship. I pray that every young child or any older citizen be loved & hugged. As YOU LORD have loved us, let us also LOVE ONE ANOTHER. I make this prayer tonight in the mighty name of JESUS..........AMEN


Saturday, July 21, 2012



What does the Bible say about marriage?  What did Paul mean that it is better to remain single?  Did he mean that singleness is preferred above marriage?  What are biblical principles and guidelines for both husband and wife?  How can divorce be avoided?  Does God permit divorce?  Is marrying outside of your faith biblical?

Cord of Three Strands

Marriage is a wonderful experience and when a husband and wife can work together with the Holy Spirit, it is one of the most beautiful experiences that any human can ever have.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 shows that “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
When two cords of husband, and wife bound together, they are not easily broken, and when three strands are woven together, these three cords are not quickly broken.  If the third cord or strand is God, then three are better than two.  And even the Devil can not break what God has joined together.

Marriage is a Covenant

God was the creator of man and woman and also the creator of marriage, therefore marriage is seen as a divine institution.  In Genesis 2:18 “The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”  This does not mean that the woman is to be man’s slave or servant, but a “suitable” helpmate for man. This doesn’t mean the woman is inferior or to wait on man hand and foot.  Marriage is ordained by God Himself as He says in Malachi 2:14, “… the LORD hath been witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously: yet is she your companion, and the wife of your covenant.”

God’s Role for the Husband

Men have great responsibilities too because they are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her (Eph. 5:25).  In Ephesians 5:22-23 Paul instructs husbands: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”
The apostle Peter further instructs husband in I Peter 3:7:  “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.”  Generally women are weaker physically, but not inferior spiritually.  In Malachi 2:15 the prophet says, “And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And why one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.”

God’s Role for the Wife

God made them male and female and they are co-equals and co-heirs before Christ, although the man is by God’s design, the head of the household.  In 2 Corinthians 6:14 Paul said under divine inspiration that, “…wives,  be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct.”  Elsewhere, in Colossians 3:18-19 it is written, “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.”  But husbands are also commanded by God to “… love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.” In Colossians 3:18-19  Paul gives additional instructions to wives: “Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”

Marriage is from God, Divorce is from Satan

God hates divorce and it was never His intention for husbands and wives to be separated but to remain together forever as stated in Malachi 2:16, “For the LORD, the God of Israel, says he hates putting away (divorce): for one covers violence with his garment, says the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.”  In Matthew 19:8 “Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.”

What is Better - To be Single or Married?

Many people have taken out of context of what Paul said as he wrote in I Corinthians 7:8-9 “Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.  But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.”  In verse 7 of I Corinthians Paul says that “I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.”  Paul does not forbid nor does he encourage marriage unless you can not control your own sexual urges (v 9).
Paul plainly teaches that we are not to marry someone who is not a Christian saying in 2 Corinthians 6:14 to ”…not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”  
Father God I pray that you BLESS every marriage covenant in the name of JESUS, may there prevail LOVE,TRUST,UNDERSTANDING between two hearts. When two strands are knotted, I pray that husband and wife add the third cord - which is GOD in their relationship, so that three are better than two. I make this prayer in the precious name of JESUS. AMEN


(Dear Youth, here is a special message from Pastor Vincent Rajendra to all the youth, to remember your CREATOR - It is a MUST READ ARTICLE - YOU will All Be BLESSED - In the name of JESUS)
Ecclesiastes 11:9; 12:1,13-14,  1Tim 4:11-14
The "Preacher" (Solomon) examined Wisdom, Riches, and Pleasure and gave importance to Wisdom and asked Wisdom from God
 *2. To those who are young and in their youth, Solomon offered the following exhortations:
   a. Rejoice in your youth - Ec 11:9
   b. Remove sorrow and evil from your youth - Ec 11:10
   c. Remember your Creator, Remember God in your youth - Ec 12:1
   A. Death is NO Respecter of Persons: 
      1. Death frequently strikes those who believe they are invincible
         a. Different manner of Accidents……Nikhil Sharma lost his two young friends on the spot
         b. Disease……Young brother died with HIV Positive, wrong sexual relationship… 
         c. War…..In the neighbor hood, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and many parts of the world is our eye witness
      2. In the course of my youth, I saw it happen time and again
         a. Terry King (17) died of liver cancer
         b. Tim Heffer (15) dropped dead of a heart attack
         c. Karen Shower's college roommate did not wake up one morning; her bodily functions stopped 
         d. Two college classmates (20) were killed in car wrecks
      3. This is reality young man, young girl to Not to SCARE YOU, but to come to understand 
         a. No one is promised the future
         b. LIFE IS TRULY JUST A VAPOR - Jm 4:14-17
Change today, Realize today and ACT TODAY 
BECAUSE…………………………Who knows what is a head of us 
-Many those who plan for tomorrow die today.
-Many those who want to change tomorrow have NOT seen tomorrow
-Many those who want to Repent at the Last Hour such as at the 11th hour, die at 10:30….
Just think about it seriously?????????????????????????????????????
      1. He is coming in judgment - 2Pe 3:7,9-11; 2Th 1:7-9
      2. God’s Judgment will be VERY PERFECT……Ecclesiastes 12;  1Tim 4;
Therefore, we ought to prepare for the future (which is a sign of maturity)
[Even if one is blessed to live a long life, with plenty of time to change, there is another reason to "Remember God In The Days Of Your Youth"...]
   A. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW...Psalms 1:1-3, Rom 13:1…., 1 Cor. 6:10-12
      1. An important principle of life to remember - Gal 6:7-8
      2. What GOOD OR EVIL you do when u are young can permanently affect your future-Psalms 25
      3. Not just your future LIFE of earth but you can LOOSE even HEAVEN.
      1. Sowing the seeds of REBELLION:……..Ephesians 6:1-4
         a. Young people are often inclined to rebel against all forms of authority: Parents, Teachers, 
              Elders’ People in Authority, People in Power such as Leaders, Police, Pastors etc……..
         b. Yet God has ordained that we submit to authority - Rom 13:1-2; 1Pet 2:13-14
         c. Rebellion against authority has caused many young to spend years in prison
      2. Sowing the seeds of LYING AND DECEIT:
         a. Many young people think nothing of lying………….lying has become their character
         b. Once you are caught in a lie, your credibility is shattered
         c. Your word means nothing, you can no longer be trusted
         d. This has very bad / adverse affects on your relationships and your employments
      3. Sowing the seeds of STEALING:…..Do Not steal the Commandment of God
         a. Shoplifting and other such crimes are rampant among many young people
         b. If caught, others will be suspicious and you will not be given positions of fiscal responsibility
      4. Sowing the seeds of FORNICATION or SEXUAL PLEASURE ….Galatians 5:18-21
         a. Sex among young people is very popular in these days and common practice of the world.
         b. Yet many do not consider the "High price" and Later effect of it continues in SIN, Curse,  
              Sickness and sad to say………even Early Death
            1) Sexually transmitted diseases, such as Syphillis, AID, HIV, TB, 
            2) Unwanted and Untimely pregnancy (often resulted by Abortion….Murder………another 
                 commandment of God is broken with such manner of attitude)
            3) Forced Marriages, Love marriages, SIN (Sexual SIN before the marriage with the partner 
                often lead to Many marital Problems, Family Problems, Late Marriages, Barrenness, 
                Divorces and Curse like: abnormal birth of children and death of the new born  
      5. Sowing the seeds of DRUGS:
         a. Drugs have great potential for ruining the LIVES OF THE YOUTH
         b. What so bad about drugs?
            1) Some are illegal, and their use violates Ro 13:1
            2) Many are addictive, and their use violates 1Co 6:12
            3) Others are destructive to the body, and their use violates 1Co 6:19-20
Most boys and girls, young men and women:
-Spend their first half of their lives making the second half MISERABLE.
-That is why You need to "Remember Your Creator”
-That is why You need to “Remember Your God In The Days Of Your Youth."  
      1. The foolish child
         a. Doesn't remember God in his youth
         b. Won't listen to the advice of others
         c. Has to learn for himself
         d. Invariably makes a mess out of his life (in health, marriage, or career)
         e. Spends good portion of life undoing foolish actions of youth
         f. Suffers from the consequences of his actions
      2. The wise child
         a. Remembers God in his youth, He has ENCOUNTERED GOD
         b. Follows God's advice, and that of others
         c. Learns from the mistakes of others
         d. Begins life with a solid foundation and good head start
         e. Able to accomplish more good in life
         f. Will Listen to the Elders, Parents, Authorities…Teachers, Pastors etc and God
What a difference in the quality of life there can be when one makes the right choices in young!
      1. By learning to respect authority now (beginning with parents) Ep 6:1-3
      2. By learning to control your body (as did Paul) - 1Co 9:27
      3. By obeying the gospel - Ga 3:26-27
      4. By growing spiritually, bearing the fruit of the Spirit - Ga 5:22-24
      5. Thus becoming an example of the believers - 1Ti 4:12
This is what is involved in remembering God while young
I hope this Lesson Message will encourage the young person to make the right choice
But one thing is certain:  GOD WILL REMEMBER US ALL…..TAKE CARE! TAKE CARE!
   a. God will bring you into judgment for all that you do - Ecclesiastes 11:9
   b. Fear God and keep His commandments Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
You LIVE only once on this earth.....Have an Encounter with God
This LIFE is for once only………….. Have Relationship with God
This TIME will NOT come again… …Have Fear of God in Your Youth
This day is your day so Love God, Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior be Born Again and BECOME A CHILD OF GOD. 
Today, Today Join the Family of God……. Because This Time will not come again, The YOUTH does not return…. The YOUTH Does NOT return…….
MAKE A RIGHT CHOICE IN YOUR YOUTH TO HAVE RIGHT FRIENDS……… Good Friends, Righteous Friends, Holy Friends…..
Prayer: God bless the youth and May God bless your young sons and daughters, is my heartfelt prayers to our God in Jesus Name……….. Amen and Amen.