There is an evolution in the way we develop our spiritual walk with God. The classic examples are illustrated from the lives of the people of ancient Israel. God called Abraham and promised him a son. Isaac was blessed with a good wife and plenty of riches. Jacob had plenty of riches too. Israelite's complained for food, and manna came from heaven. They wanted meat and God miraculously provided them with quails.
When they were thirsting, God provided water from the rock. Interestingly, when the miracles were over the Israelite's forgot their God and in fact worshiped a golden calf. People came to Jesus to be healed of their infirmities. The same people, who hailed Jesus as the Son of David, soon denounced him as a blasphemer and condemned him to death. People forgot favors and healings.

Seeking The Hand Of God

People forget miracles. Miracles alone do not change people. If miracles alone could save people, then why is it that only one leper out of the ten lepers was made whole? Remember, ten lepers were physically healed, but only one leper returned to worship God and hence was made whole. Made whole means his body, mind and soul were healed.
We are seeing miracles of healing around us, but does it guarantee eternal life? Miracles are only gifts from the hand of God for those who seek the hand of God. We seek the hand of somebody to receive a gift. We associate the gift-giver with the gift and then forget about him. We will miss the whole message of repentance, death to self, resurrection and eternal life with Jesus if we seek Jesus only for a miracle. They are the people who search the hand of God.

Seeking The Face of God

The next level of our walk with God is in seeking the face of God. The people who seek the face of God seek Jesus for the sake of seeking him and not for temporal gifts. They have a deep relation with Jesus. They will seek Jesus irrespective of their situation. They will give up their jobs, their lands, their investments, their pride and the praises of men for the kingdom of God. They will consecrate their life for God.
Old Testament talks about those who seek the face of God. Moses sought the face of God. He asked God to show his glory. Moses waited for centuries before he saw the face of God on Mount Tabor. God showed his glory to Moses after hiding him behind a rock on Mount Sinai, but did not show his face. Now we see him imperfectly as if from a mirror, but later we will see him face to face in Heaven. Jesus said in his beatitudes that the pure in heart will see God. God calls us to see his face, but many shy away from God. We know why. We have to die to our flesh before we can see his face. It will cost us something before we see the face of God.
Mary Magdalene saw the face of the crucified Jesus and the body of Jesus in the tomb. Disciples who saw the miracles of Jesus fled for their life when Jesus was crucified. Mary Magdalene was searching the face of Jesus and not his hand and therefore she stood at the foot of the cross and outside the sepulcher of Jesus. She is therefore called the apostle to apostles. Genuine people search the face of God. They will see Jesus in the midst of persecution, unemployment, poverty, humiliation and even sickness. They are the people who seek the face of God.

Seeking the Heart of God

The final level is in searching the heart of Jesus. This is the highest level attained by great saints. The hearts of these people are intertwined to the sacred heart of Jesus. Jesus lives in them and they live in Jesus. It is the extreme act of love that intertwines two hearts and makes them one. David with all his failures was still a man after the heart of God. Mary the mother of God is the perfect example of someone seeking the heart of God. Mary conceived Jesus, nourished Jesus and suffered with Jesus. Mary knew the heart of her son. The son knew the heart of his mother. Their love was such that they lived for each other.