Friday, September 7, 2012


(We the Body of Christ have recently last month Fasted on 29/8 and 31/8 and heard a wonderful message from Pastor Vincent Rajendra, about how we should maintain our communication with GOD having a prayerful life. May all BE BLESSED in THE LORD !)

Glory be to God! 
I believe when we go before the Father and put up our petitions before Him, sometimes we have to wait, because God is taking us to a place where we completely surrender and trust Him. 

Some of us have been waiting years for some things to come to pass, and do not allow that negative demon to whisper in your ear, you did something wrong and that is why God is not blessing you.

Every day you wake up is a BLESSING. Don't always look for the things you want to come to pass, but start looking at a lot of things that  already came to pass that you didn't even ask God for. So often we focus on the bad that is going on, but my loving BODY OF CHRIST.... I have learned that we are supposed to THANK HIM in that as well.
STOP.........! focusing on the storms and realize that after every rainy cloud there is a rainbow; and that rainbow symbolizes God's promise to us. Somebody better hear me, see when it's about to rain we don't see nothing it becomes dark and the rain comes down hard, and depending where you are sometimes the rain hurts, and sometimes it rains so much that places become flooded.
This is how it is in our walk with Christ, sometimes when the trials and storms come you feel like darkness has taken over and some trials are harder than others some hurt real bad, and others become so heavy you feel as if your drowning.....but then GOD the Alpha and the Omega sees us and has mercy and dries up that rain and allows the sun to shine on the earth, as in our walk with Him, He knows where every one of us is in our walk with Him, and God knows when to calm the sea......
I have learned and still learning that if some of your blessings are being delayed it's because God is still making you over, preparing and setting you on the right TRACK and when you receive the blessing everybody will know that it was nobody but God.
We feel like giving up sometimes, sometimes we feel that God has forgotten about us, but honey I stopped by to let you know - that WE SERVE A GOD FULL OF LOVE, MERCY & COMPASSION ! Above all is HIS LOVE....HE LOVES YOU and HE LOVES ME........Claim the PROMISE below.....

Mal:3:10: Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 

Pastor Vincent Rajendra's Message Captured for your reference:
  1. Prayer should be directed to GOD our Father.(Mat 6:6/10-13 / Phill 6 / Psa 5)
  2. Ask in the Name of JESUS. (Joh 14:13-14 / Joh 15:16)
  3. How to Prayer. (Isia 65:24 / Mat 6:14)
  4. Why our Prayers go unanswered. (Isia 1:14/15 / Mat 22:37-40)
  5. Power in Prayer.(Acts 12:9-12 / Acts 16:20-26)
  6. Keep Praying until you receive.(Luke 11:5/9/10)
Father God, we have nothing to return back to you today, all that is on Earth belongs to you, but we just want  to PRAISE YOU LORD....and thank you for the breathe we have....which is our greatest blessing.....!!!!!!!

Psalms:150:1: Praise ye the LORD.  Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
Psalms:150:2: Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Psalms:150:3: Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
Psalms:150:4: Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
Psalms:150:5: Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
Psalms:150:6: Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.  Praise ye the LORD.

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