"No Problem, No Promotion."
Bigger Problems...Bigger is your Promotion
(I honestly take pride in thanking my recent soul mate, got to know her over a short period of time, but the sync is so tangible. Truly believe that God has a great purpose for this countenance. I received this below message from her and it really touches my heart, cause I truly believe that it is meant for me.)
Dear Reader, Be Blessed in the Lord, because it is not by co-incidence that you are reading my Blog, God has Chosen you, you have not chosen this very moment to read the WORD of GOD. Mediate on the WORD, it will bring harmony, peace & rhythm to your life.
Mercy means God does not give what we deserve. We deserve to be punished but He does not give it. Blessed be God our Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who conforms us in all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them. He comforts us in all our tribulations, in all our affliction, in all our trials so it is an assurance for us from God that He will comfort us. So from now on are you going to mourn for worldly things and are you going to be comforted? But if you are mourning in repentances will you be comforted? YES. And when you are comforted you, yourself will move and be a blessing by comforting others in their afflictions. That is why you will see broken people becoming master in mending, people who are broken repent and come to the Lord. The Lord not only heals them but makes them strong and they go around making others strong. When you go around and start mending people you will see yourself will become more and more strong.
Whenever a trial comes it is to refine you. It's means to test your faith, just as gold is put into fire, your faith will be put into fire to test you and when you are put into the fire you got to remain in the fire. Let's say there is a piece of gold, the gold smith puts it in the fire and when it gets hot the gold runs from it now the gold smith has to catch it and put it back into the fire. So when it comes out now what happens to the temperature it has come down. Now he has to put it into the fire again, so in the same way you have to keep yourself in the fire till you start getting purified. So when you are in the trial don't run away from the trial, you remain in the trial using your faith because that faith is design to purify you and make you shine and when it comes out of the fire you look special.

So my dear brothers and sisters Consider it all joy, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produce perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing because the bigger your problems are the bigger your promotion is. No problem, no promotions. It is like the child studying and answering the exam and getting promoted to the next class, in the same way we also have to pass the test when trials come on us, we have to stand firm on the Word of God. In 2 Chronicles 20:17 says You will not have to fight in this encounter. Take your place, stand firm, and see how the Lord will be with you to deliver you.
Thank You Abba Father for helping us to be careful and to be earnestly on our guard and as not to forget the things which our own eyes have seen, nor to slip from our memory as long as we live, but we will teach them to our children and to our children's children and to everyone.