Friday, June 21, 2013


(Almighty Father, I take this moment to THANK YOU LORD that I am back to blogging, THANK YOU Father God for revealing your plan. I pray that every reader is touched in a special way; every eye that reads this message is BEYOND BLESSED. I pray that they open the eyes of their HEART and accept you to dwell in them. I pray that they feel your arms and feel more than SAFE IN YOUR ARMS. I pray that they believe they are YOU’RE CHILD…YOU’RE CREATION…SO BEAUTIFUL!!!)

Isn’t it awesome to know that the hands that created the universe, created you and me. I feel like shouting from the rooftops and PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME, because he has created me so wonderfully, I am his workmanship, lest any man should boast. He has designed my very being and fashioned me out of the dust.

He knew me before he even knitted the innermost parts of my being, he created me in his own image…WOW…..WOW…WOW….I know today that I am UNIQUE…there is no copy because my God is an Awesome GOD !

I just find this overwhelming, because not even the angels are created in this way. We are special to God, and we enjoy a privilege that no other created being can enjoy, and even though we may endure sufferings and hardships, the very fact that we can be comforted by the very heart of God, well, this is just beyond blessed to think about. 

The fact that we can take part in the fellowship enjoyed by the Holy Trinity...the eternal fellowship that is unbreakable.....the fact that our hearts can be knit to the very heart of God.  It just doesn't seem like too many Christians really understand the privilege of being created in His image. My relationship to God means everything to me, and the fact that He created me so that I am even capable of enjoying such fellowship, well, sometimes it overwhelms me.

A couple of days back the Lord gave me the below song through his Angel (God Bless that Child), I heard the song over and over again, then the Lord spoke to my heart during the service on Wednesday at ELM, he gave me another word - Heb11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
I remembered the word all through the night, but could not find the quoted scripture chapter or verse, but I never gave up. I said Lord I call upon your name and you will show me you’re great and mighty works….you will bring this scripture to my sight. I THANK HIM ALONE….he is awesome. His Promises are YES & AMEN …when you wrap your requirement with HIS WORD…..wait and BELIEVE…you will see a MIRACLE !

satan  comes to STEAL , KILL and DESTROY, he comes to wipe out, erase what GOD is beautifully restoring, he is so small that I don't wont his font to even be increased, so very small that you and I need to wrap him and put him UNDER OUR FEET !

(I have read the story of the song writer and paraphrased it cause it so much applies to my own pattern. Hope you FIND THE SAME GOD, that we are TALKING ABOUT)
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
“Life is hard.” It’s a common saying and if you’ve lived beyond the age of five, this is a reality you are probably all too familiar with. But what is the next part of the saying? It’s the best part and we often leave it out. It says, “Life is hard but… GOD IS GOOD!” The song “Arms That Hold The Universe” is a song that proclaims the truth that no matter what our circumstances may be, we have a God that loves us and holds us in the palm of His hand and never lets go. God, who created Heaven and Earth, the entire universe, holds US! We ARE SAFE IN HIS ARMS. We are secure. We are loved and have no reason to fear when we allow ourselves to be found in His embrace. The hardest part of facing those “life is hard” moments is trust. Trusting that He is in those moments with us. That He knows why we are in them, the outcome of them and that He knows what is best for us.

The chorus says,
 “And the arms that hold the universe are holding you tonight You can rest inside, it’s gonna be alright
And the voice that calmed the raging sea is calling you His child So be still and know He’s in control, He will never let you go…”

No matter what we face in this life, we have a reason to hope and the power to stand because of Jesus Christ. Think of all the difficult times in your life that God has brought you through! He is always faithful. Psalm 91 says, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” So what are you waiting for?! Run to Him and find rest in His arms!

Have you ever felt God’s presence so strongly it was if you could feel His arms holding onto you? I have. Not once but several times. When my burdens have weighed, I have seen them getting lighter because JESUS my BEST FRIEND was lifting me and my burdens in HIS ARMS.

I’m thankful for this time in life now. Why? Through many experiences God has taught me a significant lesson. There’s only one we can truly trust… it’s Jesus Christ. Tell me one person that has done everything PERFECTLY, RIGHTEOUSLY, and with HOLINESS in everything single detail. You won’t find it. Christ is the only one. I haven’t… trust me. I don’t do anything just right.

In light of that though, I’m amazed at how God makes all things, ALL THINGS, work together for the good of those who have been called according to His purpose. That doesn't mean we settle for sin and just think, “Oh God’s grace will cover this.” That’s not the mark of the Holy Spirit living in our lives. No… it means we strive for obedience in Christ, and when we stumble, He perfectly picks us up, as if nothing ever happened, and carries on with His eternal redeeming work for the good of those who love Him. We always reap what we sow, but God is always faithful throughout.

I hope this helps you. It has helped me, just being reminded of Him. “I love you Jesus… praise be to God”. I shout out your name from Rooftops I proclaim, that “I AM YOURS….I AM YOURS”