Friday, November 16, 2012


OR Waiting to Receive Happiness, Wanting to Be Loved….!

People (this includes YOU & ME) aren't happy. Are you seeking COMPLETE HAPPINESS? We find ourselves waiting. Waiting for that something to come along that is going to make us happy. For some, it's seems to be more money, more fame, more social circles, more politics…. With more money one can buy all those things one wants. Most of us see the error in that. We see an appetite that will never be satisfied. We want, instead, that which money will not buy. We want that special something. Sometimes we are waiting for that person that is going to make life worth living, it does not matter the relationship between those two persons. Could be father & daughter, mother & son, husband and wife, friends at the end of it all you want to feel COMFORTABLE….that someone whom you can talk to. The only problem is that, for some reason, that something & someone seems nearly impossible to find. If you do find…then the question lies, how can you get to know….or is it another WINDOW DISPLAY STUFF….

Is it that our standards are too high? Is it that we were born a century too early or too late?
Is it that the World has become such a broken mess that no one could possibly find something whole and unbroken in it anymore?

Let’s be truthful with ourselves. We exactly know what we want. We just behave NAÏVE. You want companionship. In an otherwise city of millions, you want not to be lonely.
In a life of smiling faces, you want not to be wearing the same as a MASK to keep that miserable feeling of loneliness from public display.

We know deep down that such a thing as the perfect person doesn't exist. Why then do we still WANT it so bad? To cure us of that miserable lonely feeling in our gut. In moments of self-honesty we see that such a dream is fantasy and it makes us wonder what the purpose of living could possibly be.

I submit there are two problems that are capital in this dire situation. INNER HAPPINESS & LOVE…..I feel extremely happy in giving, that’s where the inner Happiness’ in me wakes up. But BEWARE, Satan comes to STEAL……yes he does, he wants to take away the little that you have acquired, BUT the question lies are you ready to LET HIM TAKE THAT AWAY FROM YOU?

I would like to walk with you quoting the WORD of GOD that can bring about a CHANGE….!
Psalms 1:1: Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
[2] But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. [3] And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. [4] The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. [5] Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. [6] For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Ec:3[12] I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life. [13] And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.

Psalms:34:8: O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

The first is to understand the Law of Change. Understand that things change. People change. Mitigating circumstances ALWAYS dictate realities. Many people will uproot their lives to pursue that special relationship with someone they may well have never imagined themselves being with. Love can change people quite profoundly. It can alter their taste in music, movies, social environments, foods, locales, and all sorts of Life's various facets.

Divine Universe - that has given me life, guess has given you the same? The CHURCH is the best place where I find HAPPINESS AS WELL AS LOVE. There lies a song that lifts you up. A song that makes you feel good about yourself. A song that makes you truly happy. A happiness that shines like the Sun. Because it is your RELATIONSHIP with the ALMIGHTY GOD. The ability to look at yourself and say, "Love has changed me and given unto me the ability to say with truth: I like myself."

As a Human, you have the power to give and receive love. That is the one true power of your existence to command with impunity. The most powerful force in the Universe is that of Directed Will and above that there is greater FORCE of Directed Will of Unconditional Love. THAT FORCE IS JESUS. Let the FIRE within you THEN JUST BURN FOR THAT FORCE…….

As so it is with me, so may you well find yourself, back at square one. Alone and searching for one with the proper ears. One that can hear Love's beautiful song. One that wants to join in the chorus. And of course you will again find yourself longing. Wanting to HAVE somebody. Wanting to HAVE love. The BIBLE says…IF YOU HAVE EARS TO HEAR….HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING TO YOUR HEART…….

So the question emerges, if we can't have that special someone, how can we have one? Or rather, how can we be in existence with that someone? It's hard to start thinking outside of a possession based viewpoint and properly word it. That is why a SPIRITUAL change in our view of the world - it is required for us to take the time to reflect and contemplate on this new paradigm shift
. It does not happen just by reading an article or my post. An article can show you the path, but of course it is up to you to take up the task of treading upon it.

Are not relationships unlike plants? Have you not to cultivate them? Certainly one can not just expect to get a beautiful and healthy plant just buy throwing any seed in any kind of soil and giving it little care. Sure, that much may seem obvious. But if it's so obvious, then why do people continually take such attitude with relationships? Myself not completely excluded, no doubt.

So in conclusion, NO ONE GETS A FREE RIDE. There is always a PRICE & Task at Hand. Just like you have to do the work to earn a paycheck, so must you do the work in Life's trials and tribulations? The answer to Life's problems is not something that is going to pop up for SALE ON EBay. Therefore, it is to be said, that self-realization will always carry in tow the paramount prerequisite of self-reflection.

Friday, November 2, 2012




The Lord works MIRACLES in our life’s, but we are so extremely BUSY to even STOP and ponder upon them. We just consider it to be another feather in our BIG HAT. I write this post for those mothers’ out there, who have given birth to their loved ones, but unfortunately never had the opportunity to live their lives with them, could be for several reasons. To those mother’s I encourage to continue loving their children and hoping that the day will soon come, when they will see their children, love them, hug them, sing with them, dance with them…..and do all that they ever dreamed of.
To those children who have been abandoned, to those that feel they do not have the love of their parents or to those who feel that they are left out. I just want to tell you little kids that HE the GOD of our UNIVERSE LOVES YOU SO MUCH.
To all of you out there including myself let’s just discover the treasure inside of us.  Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." [Read Psalm 150]
Peace, joy, health and well-being can only be found inside us. They exist within us now, as our essential nature, waiting for us to call on them. 

No matter what our income, body shape or situation in life, each of us holds the power to take the inner journey to find our treasures within. This is what makes the inner journey so exciting!
"When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere." 
M't:6:34: Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Let us therefore enjoy every moment, for by GRACE alone are we saved. If his GRACE given to us was like an OCEAN…I tell you folks we would all be SINKING.
The spiritual principle here is that God gives us manna or grace for each day. And the grace that He gives us for today is not meant to be “kept” or used for tomorrow. He gives you & me grace today for today’s needs. Don’t worry about tomorrow’s needs. When tomorrow comes, rest assured that there will be a fresh supply of His grace!
If you spend precious time and energy today fretting about the needs of tomorrow, next week or next month, you’ll just get into a cycle of agitation, worry and fear. You’ll also miss out on what God’s grace is supplying you today.
Therefore dear mothers, sisters, daughters and all you lovely children and people of GOD, although we walk through the valley of the shadow of troubles, we know he stands beside us with his rod & his staff, he lifts us in his arms and WE ARE SAFE IN HIS ARMS.
So quit worrying about tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. As each day arrives, God gives you the grace anew to do what you need to for the day. Just rest in His faithfulness, focus on this day that He’s given you and enjoy His fresh supply of grace to meet the demands of all your needs TODAY!
I just want to THANK You Lord for BLESSING ME with CHILDREN, I pray Lord that my children as well as all kids out there, you cover them with the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS….from the crown of their heads to the very soles of their feet. I pray for complete protection for their lives Lord JESUS. Keep them free from EVIL, SIN and TEMPTATION. Fill them Lord with the Gifts of your Holy Spirit. Give them the gifts of WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, FAITH, UNDERSTANDING and DISCERNMENT. So that, they will live TODAY in your GLORY……DOING YOUR WILL & WORSHIPING YOU WITH THE SOUND OF INSTRUMENTS & GUITARS.